Thursday, October 29, 2009

"I don't like confrontation!"

Ten points to those who got that movie reference. Anyway, I got a calling a few weeks ago. I was so worried when they called me out of Relief Society that I had been blacklisted for not being there so much. Like I had a big red target on my back. I was gone a lot over the summer, and the spring, and the previous winter... I went to church every week, just not to my ward. Anyway, they called me to be a ward missionary. So the Chairperson called me up to tell me about a meeting the following Sunday and also that I have a companion. And this companion is a boy. Excuse me, a man. My single's ward is a little older. The median age is like 27. I actually got called a spring chicken last night which is funny because I have been thinking that I am getting pretty old. Anyway, I went to the meeting and my "companion" wasn't there. I was relieved because I didn't really want to have to talk to him face to face just yet. You all know I'm nonconfrontational. Besides, I just knew he was going to be the biggest nerd in the ward. Nice attitude, right? Well, I got all caught up to speed and had my own little meeting with the ward mission leader and in walked my partner. My jaw dropped. Umm, he's definitely NOT a nerd. So we'll see if I can try to be more confrontational...


Alana said...

toy story! ten points for me!!!

Lauren Kay said...

Oh ho! Yay! I can't wait to hear more!!!

Jenny and Al said...

Does he have nice deltoids?

Lindsay said...

oohh....calling from above! :) Can't wait to hear more details of your new "companion"!

annalisa said...
