Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gaga Visit

So, imagine you are the 3rd counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. No, that is not a typo, you are the 3rd counselor. As a member of the RS Presidency, though a superfluous one, you get the pleasure of visiting the girls in the ward in their homes.
You go visit a group of three roommates. They are perfect for each other. It just makes sense. They are very different girls, very intellectual. One lies down on the second row pew in the chapel during sacrament and will occasionally wake herself up with her snoring. One is extremely intelligent. The other loves different hobbies. You find out you LOVE these girls. They are hilarious, and you could sit around and listen to them talk for hours.
You get on the subject of Lady Gaga for some reason, because, she always just comes up. You start discussing the controversy over her meat dress and hobby girl tells you that Gaga’s Kermit the Frog dress was more controversial.
You tell her you didn’t hear about it.
She gets on her computer, googles it, and turns her laptop toward you while it’s loading.
You start blushing and wonder what exactly you are supposed to be looking at as very seductive looking women start appearing on the screen. You ask her which one it was.
She looks at the screen. A look of horror washes over her. She realizes that she hit the wrong link and sent you to a bad site instead of the Lady Gaga photo.


Alana said...

hahahahahaah omg. that is hilarious.

Susie Stout said...

Simple Mistake.... nothing good comes up when you type in Lady Gaga. I bet you laughed..... A LOT.

annalisa said...

ha ha ha!!! Only YOU have stories like this!! I would have been mortified I tell you! MORTIFIED!!!

annalisa said...

i looked up the picture. {not the naughty stuff!!!}
what a hideous outfit!!!